Sojourner 1 American Mars Lander
from "For All Mankind" (Apple+) (2019-?)
About the Design
Introduced in Season 3 of the acclaimed APPLE+ alternative-history series "For All Mankind," Sojourner 1 is NASA's entry in a three-way race to Mars staged in the last decade of the 20th century. (The other entries are the Soviet Union's Mars 94 the Phoenix built by the private Helios Corporation. (Note: North Korea also has a secret Mars program active during this same period.)
Built and launched from the moon, Sojourner is a single-stage vehicle that carries a crew of eight. The ship main's power is provided by two K-32 NERVA nuclear engines, with additional outbound acceleration provided by two massive solar sails designed to be jettisoned once the craft nears the Red Planet. |
About the Kit
Designed in CAD by Carl Darby, this all-resin kit was released by Fantastic Plastic Models in January 2025. It could be built in either the landed or in-flight configurations.
This model was built from an original issue. |