Kit Rarity Ratings
Every model in this collection has been given a "Rarity Rating" of 1 to 5. The rating refers to the current availability of unbuilt kits, not the number of kits originally produced or completed models that may be sitting in private collections.
The scale corresponds to the following:
The scale corresponds to the following:

1. A mass-produced kit still in production or the subject of frequent re-releases. Currently available at most hobby stores or through on-line retailers. Expect to pay at or even below MSRP for a Rarity 1 kit.

2. An out-of-production kit still readily available through Ebay or other easily accessible outlets. Also refers to exotic foreign, limited-run or "garage" kits still in production. (Most resin and vacuform kits fall into this category.) Expect to pay at MSRP for a Rarity 2 kit.

3. Out-of-production, difficult to find. Acquiring such a kit will require some digging -- and patience. Expect to pay slightly above the original MRSP for a Rarity 3 kit -- if you can find one.

4. Long out-of-production, very rare. Rarity 4 kits can cost many times their original MSRP, but demand for the subject is somewhat soft.

5. Long out-of-production, super rare and in high demand. A "Holy Grail" item worth killing to obtain. Prices for Rarity 5 kits can be astronomical, often reaching the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.