Fireball XL5
from "Fireball XL5" (1963-1965)
PRICE: $135.00 + Shipping
About the Design
Fireball XL5 is the titular "hero" ship of the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson TV series that aired on American television between 1963 and 1985. Designed by special effects master Derek Meddings and his team, the ship consisted of a main rear section and a detachable command module -- the Fireball Jr. -- that could land on alien planets without risking the entire spacecraft. Unlike the popular "tail sitters" on the era, the XL5 launched horizontally via a rocket-powered sled and rail system similar to the one seen in George Pal's 1951 film, "When Worlds Collide."
Fireball XL5 was, in fact, one of a dozen "Fireball"-class spacecraft operated by the World Space Patrol (WSP) out of its Space City HQ facility. Although massive in size, the ship carried a crew of just three, plus a robot co-pilot. |
About the Model
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